The fact of the matter is: Mother Nature won't let herself be forecasted and be told how she is supposed to behave tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that as well. So she stays unpredictable - like most women do. And maybe this is where our fascination with the weather lies. I mean: don't even get a farmer started on this topic - they always want the exact opposite weather of whatever weather they're having. Regardless.
I've realised a long time ago that the weather will most probably not be the way it was predicted to be - especially here on the Prairies - so I just prepare for all kinds of weather, come what may. Always have a light jacket/blazer at hand in Summer (which for me is a no-brainer since I'm always cold either way - it takes a heat wave to get me to part with any piece of clothing) and in Winter always have a whole set of scarves, mittens coats etc. at hand - almost like "Joey" in the one "Friends" episode where he wore his whole closet at once, kind of thing.
I know some people who consider the hourly news bulletin not to be complete without first listening to the whole weather forecast in its entirety, even though it was exactly the same an hour earlier (and still it may turn out to be incorrect). Or those who look up the weather on a special website dedicated to it, up to three times or more a day, going as far ahead as a week in advance's forecast, only to find out that the forecast from yesterday, for the weather today, has since changed another three times. Very confusing, I know. And a total waste of time. Hence the extra outfits on the backseat of my car...Never trust the weatherman. And a few other types too...

But one thing that's for sure - Winter is a comin', and it's a comin' soon. Don't let the exceeding warm days fool you, otherwise the joke will be on you!
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