Why are we always living for something in the future instead of living for today? We are willing to prepare for an event still to come while often times we're not even prepared for today. Of course one should make provisions for the future, but that's not what I'm talking about here. We'd rather keep ourselves busy with something that's way off in the future rather than whatever is at hand, right here and now in the present.

Why would I want to buy a parka with fur around the collar in the middle of Summer? For the same reason I won't be in the market for a bikini in Winter (unless I find a very tempting special to an island while there's 10 feet of snow outside, but I'm talking in general terms here of course).
We want to fast forward to Christmas, or New Year, or a birthday or wedding and when we get there we wonder what happened to yesterday - it went by so quickly?? Totally missed last week or last month because we were too busy planning for next month.
I am very much guilty of this very thing I'm talking about. In a lot of ways I still feel as if my life has not yet started. Waiting for it to take flight. To actually start living. There are so many things I have not yet experienced that makes me waiting and planning for when it actually happens. They say luck happens when opportunity meets preparation, but I've been prepared all my life (which means luck should be all around). Sitting at the train station waiting for the train to pull up. Or should I say the right train, cause certainly a few trains have come and gone already, but their destinations have not yet seem like the one I want to go to. And there's one train I've missed big time and I don't know if it will ever pull up to my station again. I guess one of the reasons I missed that train was because I was too busy planning for something else and not realising the train has come...and gone. The one I should have been on. Wanted to step on too late. There might have been even more than one I missed. And now I'm still waiting - almost in a frozen state - to see if it will pass me by again.

Half the fun I know is the actual journey and not necessarily the destination, but what about the actual starting point? Start by living in this moment you have now - today. Enjoy it - it's finally here.
So now that we have this little issue out of the way: who is getting married next so that I can start looking for a new dress? And before I forget: what do you want for Christmas?
Very well written.
ReplyDeleteDelta Dawn, what's that flower you have on
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by
And did I hear you say he was a-meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky
She's forty-one and her daddy still calls her "baby"
All the folks around Brownsville say she's crazy
'Cause she walks around town with a suitcase in her hand
Looking for a mysterious dark-haired man
In her younger days they called her Delta Dawn
Prettiest woman you ever laid eyes on
Then a man of low degree stood by her side
And promised her he'd take her for his bride
Jim Rohn says: Wherever you are, be there!