Monday, 6 June 2011

Just hang it already!

Do you agree that one of the few things that, without exception,  universally and singlehandedly give way to the silliest of arguments between couples (and can become quite heated at times - paging Freud) are: hanging a picture on the wall. Or rather: asking your significant other to help you with this endeavour.

I've tried a few times to do this by myself, but somehow there is a right and wrong way to put a nail in the wall. Who would have thought? It's like my Mom always telling me there's 2 ways to sew a button back on - my way and the right way. Makes no sense to me...

When we started renovating the house, all the pictures were taken off the walls. After 2 ,5 months of this mess I just couldn't wait to put them all back on the walls. Like I say, I am no minimalist and empty walls are just plain scary to me. Why own a house if you always have to save the walls for the next owners? That's what paint was made for!

While in South Africa you drill a hole in the brick/cement wall (I can still see my dad with his tape and plastic bag walking behind my Mom wherever  she leads him, to prevent the fine powder coming from the newly drilled hole to fall on the carpet)  here in Canada the walls are made from drywall and I can literally press the nail into the wall with my bare fingers - no hammer required. And it's exactly here where my method varies from my husband's. He uses at least 4-6 different pieces of equipment to do the same thing  - so unnecessary...

It gets real tricky when you want to hang a mirror or anything heavier than a framed piece of paper on the wall - may I remind you again that we don't have brick walls. I usually put too small a nail for too heavy a picture and as soon as I hang it , the hole in the wall becomes a vertical line in the drywall as the picture pulls the nail downwards...That's why, if you take some of the pictures off of the walls in my house, you may find up to 3 holes/vertical openings there. I refer you back to the purpose of paint...

My husband's method involves laser beams, leveling sticks, measuring tapes, all kinds and sizes of nails, you name it. Why make life so complicated? It's harder than following a new recipe and then the majority of men want to convince their wives they can't cook?

I will admit: he does a way better job than I do with this specific task and I appreciate a job well done. But may I just ask: who is going to look behind every picture to see how it was hung - whether it was done my way or the right way. Any guest even attempting to do this, I have one question for you: what is wrong with you?


  1. Very funny! My husband also makes it a full scale mission with gadgets and masks when we have to drill.

  2. Excellent piece - waiting for more ....

  3. My second thought is whoaaa - what a chip from the old blog !!!! (block???)- if you remember that adage about receiving talents from your father !!!
